
Dora Cano Ramirez

Dora Cano Ramirez headshot
Cell Biology
College positions
College Research Associate
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Dora comes from Mexico where she undertook her undergraduate degree in Pharmacobiological Chemistry followed by a Masters degree in Biochemistry, both at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Dora came to the UK for her PhD degree at the University of Bristol under the supervision of Prof. Antony Dodd (now at John Innes Centre) studying signalling pathways and circadian rhythms in plants. She later joined the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Cambridge studying the circadian clock and polar auxin transport in Prof. Alex Webb laboratory. Currently, she is a research associate at the Sainsbury Laboratory University of Cambridge in Prof. James Locke group focusing on understanding the stochastic nature, or randomness, of transcription factors and gene expression in plants growing under variable environmental stresses.